Martina Stang

Studies of plant - pollinator interactions at the community level


I enjoy teaching at different levels of knowledge and have always found possibilities to do this, at the university as well as within non profit organisations of nature education (see next page). In this section I will give some examples of the courses and lectures I gave by my own (Free University of Berlin, Leiden University) and the courses in which I participated as a teacher (Leiden University, University of Groningen).


2001 Associated lecturer, Field course plant ecology and Ecology lectures,, Leiden University: “Small scale changes of species and flower diversity in a wet dune valley”, “Ecology and biodiversity of plant communities in the dunes


2002 Associated lecturer, Field course plant ecology and Ecology lectures, , Leiden University: “The relationship between flower traits and morphological diversity of flower visitors “, “Community assembly gamePdf


2002 Associated lecturer, Field course plant ecology, University Groningen (together with Manja Kwak): “”Classification of plant species based on flower traits in relation to pollinators

2003 Supervisor student bachelor project (together with Peter Klinkhamer): Kirsten Kaptein: “Can blossom complexity predict the diversity of flower visitors in a Mediterranean vegetation type” (February - May 2003) see student projects

2003 Supervisor student bachelor project (together with Peter Klinkhamer): Vera Geluk: “The relationship between size parameters of blossoms and their visitors in a Mediterranean plant- and insect community” (February - May 2003) see student projects

2006 Associated Lecturer, “University course for non-students” together with Gerrit Jan de Bruin, Leiden University: “Dunes natural” Part: Field excursions to the dunes”