Talks and Posters
1996 April, Plant Ecology Group, University of Leiden, invited talk: M. Stang “Flowering phenology and pollination ecology of xerothermic vegetation-complexes”
1997 May, Plant Ecology Group, University of Leiden, talk: M. Stang: “Flowering phenology and pollination in a vegetation-complex of the dunes of Meijendel”
1997 September, Autumn - Symposium Bayreuth: “Sand in the landscape”, Invited talk: B. Schick & M. Stang: „Zur Blütenökologie und Blühphänologie silbergrasreicher, lockerer Sandrasen und ausgewählter Kontaktgesellschaften ” (Pollination ecology and flowering phenology of sandy grasslands and some contact communities)
1997 September, Annual Meeting of the German Association of Ecology, GFÖ, Müncheberg: Talk M. Stang & B. Schick: “Phenology and pollination biology of Lamiaceae as elements of xerothermic vegetation complexes”
1997 September, Annual Meeting of the German Association of Ecology, GFÖ, Müncheberg: Poster: B. Schick & M. Stang: „Pollen flowers and pollen presentation types in xerothermic vegetation complexes of Central Europe“
1998 September, Annual Meeting of the German Association of Botany , Bremen: Poster B. Schick & M. Stang: „Die Darstellung der Blütendiversität einer Pflanzengemeinschaft in einem Anthogramm“
1998 September, Annual Meeting of the German Association of Ecology , GFÖ, Ulm, Talk, B. Schick & M. Stang: „ Das Anthogramm: Die Darstellung der Ergebnisse blütenökologischer Untersuchungen in Pflanzengemeinschaften“
1999 September, Annual Meeting of the German Association of Ecology, GFÖ Bayreuth: Poster: B. Schick & M. Stang: „Die Darstellung der Blütendiversität von Pflanzengemeinschaften in einem Anthogramm“
1999 September, Annual Meeting of the German Association of Ecology , GFÖ Bayreuth: Poster: M. Stang & B. Schick: „Die Darstellung der Blütendiversität eines xerothermen Vegetationskomplexes in Nordhessen (Schäferburg) in einem Anthogramm“
2000 March, Plant Ecology Group, University of Leiden, talk: M. Stang & B. Schick “Flower diversity of plant communities”
2000 10 -14 July Mosonmagyarovar, Hungary, 8th International Pollination Symposium of the ICPBR, poster: M. Stang & B. Schick: “Spatio - temporal flowering patterns of insect pollinated plants species: a xerothermic vegetation complex as an example ”
2002 March, German Association of Ecology, GFÖ Working group Ecosystem Research, Workshop: Gradients – Interactions and Interdependencies between Adjacent Ecosystems, Trier, talk: M. Stang: “Small scale changes of flower type composition along a dune slack gradient.”
2002 May, University of Groningen, invited talk, M. Stang: “Small scale changes of flower type composition along a dune slack gradient.”
2003 February, National Herbarium Nederland, Leiden: invited talk, M. Stang: “Small scale changes of flower type composition along a dune slack gradient.”
2003 October, 17th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Association of Pollination Ecologists (SCAPE) Oksenøen (near Oslo), Norway : M. Stang, P.G.L. Klinkhamer & E. van der Meijden: “Size parameters of flowers can predict diversity of their visitors.”
2004 October, 18th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Association of Pollination Ecologists (SCAPE), Seili (near Turku), Finland: M. Stang, P.G.L. Klinkhamer & E. van der Meijden: “How size parameters can influence the diversity of flower visistors.”
2006 October, 20th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Association of Pollination Ecologists (SCAPE), Gålö (near Stockholm), Sweden: M. Stang, P.G.L. Klinkhamer & E. van der Meijden: “Asymmetric specialization in plant – flower visitor webs: a matter of morphology or abundance?”
2007 February, Ecoflor: a meeting on floral ecology and evolution, Granada, Spain, invited talk: M. Stang , P.G.L. Klinkhamer & E. van der Meijden: “Asymmetric specialization in plant – flower visitor webs: a matter of morphology or abundance?”
2007 October, Mini-symposium: Plant- Pollinator Interactions, Leiden University, on the occasion of the PhD Promotion of Martina Stang: Talk: "How morphology and abundance affect the structure of flower visitation webs" Pdf invitation to symposium
2007 December, 19th Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of the Netherlands, Ede, The Netherlands: M. Stang, P.G.L. Klinkhamer & E. van der Meijden: “How morphology and abundance affect the structure of flower visitation webs.”
2008 January,This Weeks Discoveries, Invited talk, Leiden University, "How morphology and abundance affect the structure of flower visitation webs.”
2008 April, Invited participant: 1st Workshop of the ESF Research Networking Programme SIZEMIC Trophic dynamics in ecosystems: feeding interactions, species identity and body size, April 4-7th, 2008, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Organisers: Richard Law (University of York) and Julia Blanchard (Cefas), Supported by the European Science Foundation (ESF), and the Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) and the University of York. see links
2008 August, Invited speaker, Pollination conference on the Ecology and Evolution of Plant-Pollinator Interactions, August 2-3, 2008 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA "The structure of flower visitation webs: linking morphology and abundance." see links
2008 October, 22th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Association of Pollination Ecologists (SCAPE), Kaupanger, Norway: “Size-specific interaction patterns and size matching in plant - pollinator interaction webs”
2009 March, University of Arizona: “Size-specific interaction patterns and size matching in plant-pollinator interaction webs .”
2009 March, Bee institute Tucson: “How morphology and abundance affect the structure of flower visitation webs.”
2009 June, RMBL, Colorado, USA, Symposium, Graham Pyke turns 60: “Plant-pollinator networks:Size matters!”
2009 October, 23th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Association of Pollination Ecologists (SCAPE), Seiili, Finland, Poster: “The impact of size threshold and census method on interaction probabilities in plant-pollinator networks.” pdf program