Martina Stang

Studies of plant - pollinator interactions at the community level


A selection of links which I regard as interesting.


Pollination Conference in Milwaukee, August 2-3, 2008 
"A two-day conference on the Ecology and Evolution of Plant-Pollinator Interactions will be held on August 2-3, 2008, immediately prior to the Ecological Society of America Meeting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. The goal of this conference is to highlight the most exciting recent advances in community and evolutionary pollination biology, and foster interaction among pollination biologists.  We aim to encourage a unified framework to the study of community and evolutionary approaches, and to draw attention to largely unexplored questions at the intersection of these disciplines."

The evolutionary ecology of plant-animal interactions: from genes to communities Symposium of the AEET in Mallorca April 21-23, 2008
"Plant-animal interactions (mutualistic or antagonistic) constitute the basis of the functioning of many ecosystems, playing a key role in the evolution of terrestrial biodiversity. Despite the great abundance of studies on the ecological interactions between plants and animals, we are still far from understanding how coevolution works in these types of ecological interactions. The main goals of this symposium are to evaluate the advances in different research lines within the evolutionary ecology of plant-animal interactions, the patterns found, and the existing theoretical as well as methodological limitations. From their respective fields of specialization, a selected representation of national and international scientists will provide the ingredients for the analysis." pdf tentative programme

Sizemic 1st Workshop of the ESF Research Networking Programme SIZEMIC Trophic dynamics in ecosystems: feeding interactions, species identity and body size, April 4-7, 2008, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Organisers: Richard Law (University of York) and Julia Blanchard (Cefas), Supported by the European Science Foundation (ESF), and the Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) and the University of York. pdf tentative programme


Plant Ecology Leiden University
"The section studies interaction between plants and animals, which includes both herbivory and pollination. Also the relation between plants and micro-organisms in the soil is included in the research. Section leader is Peter Klinkhamer."

RMBL Rocky Mountains Biological Laboratory.
"For nearly 80 years, leading scientists and students from around the country arrive at our remote field station high in the Rocky Mountains to work side-by-side studying the still-wild ecosystems of this rugged, yet fragile land. Few places are as well understood, or documented. Research at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory is contributing scientific knowledge that is vital to understanding our rapidly changing world."

IVN  Dutch Organisation for Environmental Education
IVN is an organisation for Environmental Education, where some 150 professionals and 17.000 volunteers throughout the Netherlands have a joint mission: to contribute to a sustainable society by connecting people with their nature and their environment."

IVN Den Haag
Website of the IVN Den Haag (in Dutch)

KNNV Royal Dutch Society for Natural History
"Nature encompasses all that lives, grows and flowers. Nature can be experienced. Nature can be studied. Royal Dutch Society for Natural History (KNNV) is a society which aims at active participation in and with nature: through the enjoyment of nature, through natural history studies and through nature conservation. In other words the KNNV is a society for field biology."

KNNV Den Haag
Website of the KNNV Den Haag

Sizemic ESF (European Science Foundation) Research Networking Programme: "Body-size and ecosystem dynamics: Integrating pure and applied approaches from aquatic and terrestrial ecology to support an ecosystem approach."

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